Friday, May 11, 2012


The debate rages today as it has now for many years. The homosexual community insist on their "equal rights" under the law and battle in opposition to any discrimination against them. Many in the Christian community argue that homosexuality is a sin of choice by its perpetrators and deserves no special treatment.

A major point homosexuals make in this debate is that their sexual preference was inborn. They do not have a choice. Consequently, according to this assertion, homosexuality is not a sin committed by their own choice but rather a condition inherent in their creation. Since 'man' is created in the "image of God" (Genesis 1: 27), their argument goes, homosexuality cannot be a sin, despite what the Bible calls it (1 Corinthians 6: 9, one among other citations).

It seems that the primary argument I hear in response to the homosexual assertion that they were born with their sexual preference is to simply deny that they were born that way without much scientific corroboration. I suspect that the reason why this has been the primary  response to this particular argument is that to accept the possibility that someone can be born with homosexual tendencies would be tantamount to agreeing that such tendencies were therefore a part of "God's image."   Moreover, to accept this would create a contradiction in the Bible if it teaches that man is created in the image of God, but also identifying  a condition 'inherent' in this creation as a sin.

The rhetorical conumdrum in which the Christian apologists find themselves in this portion of the debate is caused by what I believe is a long standing misinterpretation of the Bible. Simply put, the Bible does not teach us that we were created in His image. It describes how Adam and Eve were created in His image, but it goes on further to say that the succeeding generations were born in the image of Adam. (Genesis 5: 3) Note how the arrival of Seth on the scene is described, "begot a son in his own likeness, after his image,..." (emphasis added). Also note that Seth was born in the image of Adam who has already undergone the 'fall' and lost his spiritual relationship with God.

The distinction between how Adam and Eve came to exist and how their offspring came about is very clear. The former were "created" but the latter were "born" (or begotten). Now I don't pretend to try and analyze all the practical differences, but there is a difference. I also do not try to deny that God does not maintain creation in a mysterious sense, including the birth of children, But how we are brought about is clearly different from how Adam and Eve came into existence. By being the subject of a direct creation of God, Adam and Eve were privileged to reflect (glorify) the otherwise physically, invisible Creator Who is Spirit.

The Apostle Paul recognizes this same difference in his inspired letters. He refers to those not "in Christ" as being "in Adam." (Romans 5: 12, 1 Corinthians 15: 22) In other words, through our spiritual birth whereby God's life (which is spiritual and eternal) is given to us, we become "new creations" (2 Corinthians 5: 17-22) and reflect (glorify) the image of God through Christ.

Despite what is popularly proclaimed by Christian preachers and laypersons alike, and for so long, the Bible does not establish that we are created in the image of God. We are born in the image of fallen mankind. It does not matter if we have a bent toward homosexuality or any other 'sin' from birth, it is still a sin inherent in our physical birth. Hence, homosexuals cannot justify their conduct by claiming God created them that way, in His image, anymore than I can claim that my bent toward selfishness or coveting is not sinful because I was born that way. After all, we are born in sin and in Adam.

Therefore the homosexual argument based on the long held belief among many theologians that we are created in God's image fails. It rests on a clear but erroneous interpretation of scripture. It is not necessary for the Christian apologist to absolutely deny that homosexuals are born that way to maintain that the lifestyle is a sin.

Our desire to be reconciled with God must begin with our first recognizing sin for what it is and our need for a new life in Christ. The Apostle Paul describes the progression of those with a "debased mind" as "not only do the same (practicing sins) but also approve of those who practice them." (Romans 1: 32) The attitude of the vocal, homosexual community is an example of this mindset. Sin is a matter of choice, but I cannot deny that it is a problem with which we were born.